Registration form of the website
Login form of the website
The log-out button logs the user out and then sends them back to where they came (HTTP_REFERER)
The homepage of the website, it loads more posts as the user goes. There is no need to refresh the page.
The feed includes:
The top rated 3 comments of the post are shown at the end of each post.
The feed page loads new posts everytime the user reaches the last post. There is 3 seconds cooldown for this action and the user must be authenticated.
Tags of the posts open the posts page and filters the posts by the tag when clicked.
Posts can be filtered by:
Posts can be ordered by:
And the order can be selected:
The user can select how many posts per page is going to be shown, and also they can select the page number.
When clicked, the video link gets copied to clipboard and share button's background color turns green.
Users You May Know section consists of the users that the user's followed users follow.
The more followed users of the user are following a user , the higher that user is going to be shown in the Users You May Know section.
Users can view their followers by going to their profiles and clicking the Followers button right to their profile pictures.
When the user likes, dislikes or bookmarkes a post, they can go to their profile and look for the post by clicking the related section of the sidebar on the left.